
Archive for June 7th, 2009

Well, it has been a whole month or so since I “unplugged” from blogging and micro-blogging.  It has been a very busy month.  I was laid off from my recent company, celebrated another birthday (I have stopped counting), wound down the school year with my son, researched new ideas for business, technology, services and ideas for companies, had a few interviews and read several books.

Many of you have read about my passion for business, technology, social media and using them to make “relationships” and “connections” better.  I have been thinking deeply about my social networks and connections, how I use the tools and the benefit I derive and try to bring to those connections.  I have been lucky enough to share some of those thoughts and ideas with people directly-giving talks, asking and answering questions, reviewing new tools and testing what I think I know about these social media tools.  Along the way I have made more connections, learned much and enjoyed the experiences.

If nothing else, this time has reinforced my feelings that these tools are game changers and we need to make sure they are working for us.  Stay tuned for more insights, questions and ideas.  It’s going to be interesting and hopefully lots of fun.

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