
Posts Tagged ‘isolation’

Wow!  It has been a long time since I wrote an update to the blog.  I have been busy trying to find my next business opportunity and continue sales consulting in the interim.  I promise to make sure regular updates are posted!

The New York Times recently published an article asking,  “Does Technology Reduce Social Isolation”   They report a couple of interesting things:  (1)  The average person is more socially isolated than 20 years ago  and (2) Cell phones and the internet (including Social Networks like Facebook and LinkedIn)   are not to blame – according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

They cite the number of close confidants in a person’s life as the key measure.  With all of the technology available to us, how can we possibly be more isolated or “un-connected”.

They also report that people who regularly use digital technologies are more social than the average American visiting more parks, cafes or volunteering.  This makes sense to me.

As an early adopter of Social Media and Digital Technology, there was lots of trial and error on my part, learning how to make these new networks work for me.  By work, I mean how can these tools help me multiply connections and develop meaningful relationships.

Many more people are jumping on-line and trying their own hands at these tools,  Perhaps the volunteer projects we should be involved in are sharing our lessons learned to help others make meaningful connections through application of digital tools and media?

Then anti-social behavior and isolation should begin to wane.


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